Dec 24, 2021
We have some of our loyal fans from our discord come on to talk to us
Dec 9, 2021
Kiaza gives a detailed history of the horrors indigenous/First Nations people endured at the hands of the Canadian and American governments through the Residential School system.
Dec 1, 2021
We sit down and Tyler tells us what Thanksgiving mean to him. Apparently it's brutal murders
Nov 20, 2021
From our patreon series "After Dark" we sit down about talk about pop culture topics! To listen to more of the series, please subscribe to out patreon
Nov 18, 2021
The second installment of "Tommy Tells a Story" is a typical Tommy story that is beyond fucked up. Once again he surprises us with a mystery person from history and we have to guess who it is. One number one fan, Mark, joins us in an episode that crashed and burned lol
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